Trout Love Blowflies! Lots of foam high floating and easy to see on the water.This fly needs a fine wire hook by nature and whist I have had some trophy...
More often than not something small and black will fool the wariest of trout in the gin clear waters of New Zealand. Get this fly up in front of fish...
Churnobyl Medium sized attractor dry fly series which cover the bases when the fish are looking for something on the larger size. Great fly for supporting heavy dropper nymphs for...
Churnobyl Medium sized attractor dry fly series which cover the bases when the fish are looking for something on the larger size. Great fly for supporting heavy dropper nymphs for...
Churnobyl Medium sized attractor dry fly series which cover the bases when the fish are looking for something on the larger size. Great fly for supporting heavy dropper nymphs for...
Churnobyl Medium sized attractor dry fly series which cover the bases when the fish are looking for something on the larger size. Great fly for supporting heavy dropper nymphs for...