Simple nippers with iconic Loon yellow comfy grip handlesMade with surgical quality steel and covered with comfy grip, these nippers are the perfect blend of comfort and performance. They include...
You can now free your hands to change flies, swap lures, bait up or show off your trophy. The wearable Rod Holder will clip onto your vest - keeping your...
Pohutukawa sawdust for your Kilwell Smoker. Small bag;Approximate weight 1lb.Volume 1.6 litres Enjoy the subtle aroma and slightly sweet peppery flavour of Pohutukawa – ideal forgeneral fish smoking, works equally...
Spun from quick-drying hydrophobic yarns, Guide Wet Wading Socks are the ultimate tools for hardworking feet exploring cool summer flows or salt flats. Right Angle® arch support enhances ride across variable...
Arm your wading boots with the debris stymieing abilities of the best-fitting Gravel Guards ever built, bar none. Features include a nonslip, contoured design that forms a surefire seal, a...